Looking for Love: Bachelorette #3

Favorite movie/book:
-Movie: Secondhand Lions or Big Fish
-Book: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Celebrity look alike:
-Selena Gomez
What you look for in a boyfriend: 
-Someone who isn’t afraid to be themselves and have a good time. A witty person who won’t take themselves too seriously. Someone I can have a quality conversation with.
Ideal date:
-Nothing too exciting, just an outdoorsy type day at the zoo, followed by a picnic or maybe some time at a park.
Celebrity crush:
-Vin Diesel, Matt Damon, Steve Carell (no particular order)
Go to Netflix: 
-The Office, serial killer documentaries
Three words to describe you:
-Outgoing, supportive, witty
-Photography, cooking and eating, reading, listening to music
Favorite things:
– sunrises, stars, taking long drives, trying new food, onion rings
If you were stranded on an island- what books/movies do you bring:
-Interstellar, Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre
-Harry potter series(movies and books)
Partner in zombie apocalypse:
-Hugh jackman
Night owl or early bird:
-Early bird
Trade places with someone for a day:
-Pope Francis
College plans: 
-Chemical engineering @ kstate ayeeee
Harry Potter house:
Zodiac sign:
Meyer Briggs personality test: 
Favorite animal:
-Manatee or llama
One place that’s on your bucket list:
-New Zealand
Favorite food:
-Mac n cheese all day erreday
First email username:
-***_****1010@gmail.com (boring I know)
Which Friends character are you:
Disney or Nick:
Thing you notice first about a person:
Favorite holiday:
Most played song on your iPod:
– Message Man by Twenty one pilots or No Love by Eminem
If you could see any person (living or dead) in concert: 
-The Killers
Super power: 
Pet peeve:
-Loud chewers
Greatest fear:
-Boogers x100000

Read about the other participants here: